Modern toilet plumbing
Toilet and Cistern Repair
Water leaks from toilet cisterns can be very costly. Water can quietly be running through the bowl wasting many litres of costly water. Don’t wait until you receive a shocking excess water bill. Edge Plumbing Design can service or replace toilet cistern seals and valves to solve the problem.
Leaking toilet repair
There are several parts within a cistern that require maintenance when worn. Knowing which parts require replacement is difficult without the necessary expertise.
Symptoms of worn and failing parts include slow filling cistern, noisy filling cistern, water running into the bowl and the push button not resetting. If you are experiencing these problems call Edge Plumbing Design for your leaking toilet repair and service.
Our qualified tradesmen carry both single and dual flush parts to suit most major brands of toilets. Completion of a toilet repair will usually result at the call out visit.
Toilet Installation
Over time many toilet parts may show signs of wear and tear. A complete suite replacement may be more economical over the longer term. Modern toilet suites are ergonomically designed to keep the required cleaning to a minimum while maintaining hygienic benchmarks. Water consumption is also greatly reduced in comparison to the older suites still in many homes. Switching to a water efficient toilet suite can often save up to half a households normal consumption through flushing.
Toilet Plumbing
Most aspects of your toilet plumbing can easily be modified with some simple renovation work. A new toilet installation is also an opportunity to update your water and sewer pipework. It is possible to reposition the sewer pipe connection to align with current standard suite requirements.
Renewal of cistern taps or the reposition of water pipes is also an option when updating.
Upgrading your old fixtures can refresh the look of your bathroom and laundry zones.